On behalf of the Governors, staff and children at Willenhall Community Primary School, I am delighted to offer you a warm welcome to our school and to our website. I hope you are able to find all of the information that you need and also get an insight into our wonderful school.

We are very proud of our school and the amazing children that come here to learn and play.  We nurture and grow everyone in our school community to allow them to discover and follow their own talents and passions and to lead happy, fulfilled lives, making positive and valuable contributions to society.

“As individuals we are unique. Together we make a community.”

You will find that our school is a vibrant, inclusive and happy place to learn. Our children and staff demonstrate our school values of Responsibility, Kindness, Respect, Honesty and Growth as they learn through our broad and balanced curriculum in our stimulating and engaging environment. Working in close partnership with our parents and local community, we aim to have the highest expectations of all our children and staff, with everyone working to be the best that they can be.

If you would like to find out more about our school, please explore our website further or contact us to arrange a visit. I am sure that you will be able to see for yourself why we are so proud of our children, our staff and our whole school community.

We look forward to welcoming you into our school family and working with you to develop a long and successful partnership.

Mrs Jennifer McLean


You could be raising free donations for the school whenever you buy anything online (from your weekly shop to your annual holiday): click here.

Weekly Newsletter

See our latest Newsletter to find this week’s Class Superstars and what we’ve been learning!


School Day times

Reception & yr 1 ‐ 6:

gates open: 8:45
close: 8:55
registration: 8:55
children finish: 3:25

(32½ hours per week)

Years 1 ‐ 6 have a 15 minute morning break.

All children have 1 hour for lunch break.

Nursery sessions:


Free access to books

Watch our  help video  to find out how to sign up for the library online.

Nursery Places

To apply for a nursery place for your 3 year old download our application form.

COVID-19 Updates

Our  COVID-19 page  has updates about procedures relating to Coronavirus, school opening, etc

Home Learning

Our  Home Learning page  has links to resources for pupils to continue their learning from home.

SEND Resources

See our  SEND page  for a newsletter and SEND resources while the school is closed.

Latest news

For important announcements (e.g. school closures) see our Twitter feed. You can also use the Twitter app.

School calendar

These are this week’s school events. See our Calendar & key dates page for more detail.

Days of the Week
Time of Day

last day of Spring 1


half-term holiday

February 15, 2025 - February 23, 2025calendar-multiday