What's going on in the community?
Albany Theatre
Coventry Libraries & Information Service

Coventry Rocks
Coventry Holidays Activities and Food Programme
This Christmas school holiday, children and young people eligible for free school meals, can benefit from an amazing range of free holiday clubs, festive experiences and food. Clubs are a great way to try new things and to make friends. This booklet will give a flavour of these activities, where and when they are being held and the age range. Where age ranges are wide, activities are age appropriate
Health & Wellbeing
Coventry RISE
Please find below a link for recovery and wellbeing courses which are free to any parent in Coventry and Warwickshire. Training is being provided by Coventry Rise.
Understanding and Supporting Children Aged 12+ Years with Anxiety (NEW)
Understanding and Supporting Children Aged 3-11 Years with Anxiety (NEW)
Understanding and Supporting Children and Young People with School Refusal (NEW)
Understanding and Supporting Children who Self-harm (NEW)
Understanding Emotional Regulation in School Aged Children (NEW)
Understanding Low Mood in Children and Young People (NEW)
Understanding Self-esteem in Children and Young People (NEW)
Understanding Sensory Needs in School Aged Children (NEW)
Also, links for the RISE website and the Dimensions tool.
Family Hub
Click on the posters below for more information!
School Nursing Team
Please see the Newsletter from the Coventry School Nursing Team – Coventry Primary School Nursing Newsletter Spring 2024 (1)
Keeping your child safe online
Please see the following link for information regarding keeping children safe online – Online Safety
National Sleep Line
West Midlands Police Workshops
To view dates and times and to book a place, please click here or scan the QR code.

Hearing Screening

Mental Health
Please see the following link for Coventry’s Mental Health contacts which you can contact via telephone or email – Coventry Mental Health Contacts
Please see the following links for useful contacts, links and support –
Sky blues in the community are currently offering FREE activity sessions to support men and women with their mental health. The sessions are open for people to turn up to as we can sign people up on the day. The activities are largely decided on by participants, and we are able to facilitate: Badminton, Football, Table Tennis, Basketball, Indoor Archery, Bowls and multiple other indoor sports. We are currently giving free ticket vouchers for Coventry City FC fixtures to any new members.
Please encourage any friends, family or service users you feel might benefit from our sessions to come along to any of the following:
Warwick session: St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre (CV34 4QY) – every Tuesday, 11:00 – 13:00pm.
Coventry session: Moat House Leisure Centre (CV2 1EA) – every Thursday, 12:00 – 14:00pm.
Nuneaton session: Jubilee Sports Centre (CV10 7EZ) – every Friday, 14:00 – 16:00pm.
Warwick session: St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre (CV34 4QY) – every Wednesday, 11:00 – 12:30pm.
Nuneaton session: Jubilee Sports Centre (CV10 7EZ) – every Friday, 12:00 – 13:30pm.
Again, participants are able to come along and sign up on the day – they do not need to be referred or contacted prior to sessions.
Adult Education Service
Family Learning
Many of our courses are targeted at specific parents from specific schools, but these particular courses are open to all Coventry parents / carers. Some are on-line, some are face to face. Some are just for parents, some are for pre-school children and their carers together!
Please click the links below to find out more..
Coventry College
Free Adult Short Course for Employment Opportunity for Parents/Carers
A new free adult short course at Coventry College to support parents/carers and family members, who wish to get into work within Coventry schools as teaching Assistants.
The successful candidates on the course will have an interview and be offered a work experience placement (which can be part-time or full-time posts).
Please contact Charmaine Whelan on 07443692554 or by email to cawhelan@coventrycollege.ac.uk, if anyone wishes to discuss the course further.

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Parent Carer Forum Information Session
When: Friday 4th November 2022, 10.30am – 11.30am
Venue: AT7 Centre, 12 Bell Green Road, Coventry, CV6 7GP
Contact Helen or Dannii for more information: 07735650019 or email: ppw@entrustcarepartnership.org.uk

SEND Travel Assistance Information Drop-In Session’
In partnership with SENDIASS, Nikki Bodinnar (SEN Travel Coordinator) and Kymberley Catesby (Supervisor at the Travel Bureau) will be running a ‘SEND Travel Assistance Information Session’ on Tuesday 10th May 2022 (12pm – 2pm). This session is a DROP-IN session (held at Coventry Central Library), you are not required to stay for the full duration of the session, however attendees will be required to book a place on the session.
Please note there will be a 10 minute overview at the beginning of the session. You are not required to attend for this overview, but we would advise you do if possible, as you may find it useful.
During this drop-in session you will get the opportunity to find out more, and ask questions about, the SEND Travel Assistance Service, it’s criteria and processes.
Please find the leaflet below for more information, and for details of how to get in touch with us if you would like to book onto this session.
You can also visit the Travel Assistance page on the Coventry City Council Website for further information on the Travel Assistance service and its policies within Coventry.

Complex Communication Team

SENDIASS ‘Coffee Morning’ (face to face)
This is a face to face session for Parents/Carers of Children or Young People with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). The session offers a great way to meet other parents/carers who may be in a similar situation, and an opportunity to share with others in a friendly, non-judgemental environment, together with a member of staff from SENDIASS.
When: Tuesday 20th June 2023, 10am – 12pm
Venue: Metropolis Restaurant, Upstairs Community Room, Earl Street, Coventry, CV1 5RU
Free tea and coffee will be provided 😊
Please see the leaflet below for more information. If you would like to come along, just let us know so we have an idea of numbers. Contact us via email: iass@coventry.gov.uk or TEL: 024 7669 4307.

SENDIASS Drop-In Session
Do you have a query about Special Educational Needs?
Pop along and see us at our next SENDIASS drop-in session taking place at Mosaic Family Hub on 05/07/23 between 1pm-3pm. No appointment needed.
When: Wednesday 5th July 2023, 1pm – 3pm
Venue: Mosaic Family Hub, Jardine Crescent, Tile Hill, Coventry, CV4 9PL
Please see the poster below for more information.

SENDIASS FREE Parent/Carer Virtual Session - 'Managing Challenging Behaviour'
Would you like to learn more about challenging behaviour within children?
We are pleased to inform you that SENDIASS has partnered up with Coventry ‘Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Learning Team’ (SEMHL) to run a FREE online session for parents/carers to provide an opportunity to learn more about challenging behaviour within children. This session will give more insight into some of the reasons for challenging behaviour within children, a look at preventative strategies, de-escalation, managing crisis and what to do after an episode of challenging behaviour in order to repair and rebuild relationships.
Your child does not need a diagnosis to attend this session.
You can find out more about SEMHL and their services by visiting their website here.
Please find the leaflet below for more information and contact us on iass@coventry.gov.uk or TEL: 024 7669 4307 to book your place and QUOTE: ‘SEMHL’.

SENDIASS - FREE CCT Parent/Carer Session - 'Autism and Behaviours'
- Does your Child or Young Person have (or may have) Autism?
- Would you like a better understanding of their behaviours?
We are pleased to inform you that SENDIASS has partnered up with Coventry Complex Communication Team to run an online session providing information and support to parents and carers of children of primary (4-11) and secondary ages (11-16). See below for session details.
You can find out more about the Coventry Complex Communication Team and what they do here.
To book a place please contact SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) and QUOTE: ‘CCT’ email: iass@coventry.gov.uk or Tel: 024 7669 4307.

SEND ‘In Partnership’ ebulletin October 2022
If you haven’t already seen it, here’s a link to the latest “In Partnership” SEND ebulletin.
If you have any contributions for our next bulletin then please send them to us at sendnews@coventry.gov.uk We would welcome any stories about individuals, groups or service changes.

Autism Support
Please see the following links for some useful information on Autism.
Looking for child care?
Young Carers
Young Carers Bulletin
Please see the following link for the most recent Young Carers bulletin – Carers News
Schools Library Service
Coventry Schools Library Service Newsletter
Please see the following link for the latest newsletter – Spring Newsletter
Financial Support
Severn Trent – Big Difference Scheme
The Big Difference Scheme is funded by Severn Trent Water and offers significantly reduced water charges to some households on a low income. Please see Severn Trent water scheme for more information.
Family Hub
Please see the following information from the Family Hub – South Spring Term