For payments, communication and bookings, we use an online system called ‘My Child At School’ (MCAS).

Parents / carers are encouraged to register with MCAS as you will be able to pay dinner money online and also pay for school trips and book your child a place on afterschool clubs and activities.  You will also be able to receive all messages / emails sent by the school via this platform.

Features & Benefits

  • Enables parents to access their child’s information through a portal, either browser or App, promoting communication between both school and parents, and parents and their children.
  • Ability to manage payments online securely for all kinds of school activities including clubs, trips, wraparound care, dinner money and the school shop.
  • Comprehensive communication between parents and schools about their child(ren). An excellent means for schools to communicate useful information to parents, such as upcoming school events or important documents.


Download the app

  • An app is available for Apple and Android:

Who do I contact for help?

Willenhall Community Primary School is a cashless school and uses Pay360 to accept online payments from parents.  We use this in conjunction with the SIMS Parent App (see below), to make sure our parents are as closely involved with their children’s school lives as possible.

Click this logo (or the logo at the bottom of every page on our website) to login.

How Do I Register?

Parents will receive a Pay360 registration invitation from the school containing a unique invitation code. You will need this invitation code to set up your Pay360 account. If you have not yet received a registration invitation, please contact your school.

To register Pay360, you will need one of the following accounts: Microsoft, Apple ID, Google, Facebook, Twitter or SIMS ID.

When registering for Pay360, please click the Register* button and follow the on-screen instructions.

(*If you are already registered for SIMS Parent you will click the Sign In option instead, please ensure you use the same sign-in provider as you used for SIMS Parent and follow the on-screen instructions.)

Once registration has been completed, you will be able to use SIMS Pay to carry out the activities listed in your invitation straight away.

Why Are There Different Sign-in Providers?

Pay360 have chosen to use Microsoft, Apple ID, Google, Facebook and Twitter, in addition to SIMS ID, because many people will already have one of these accounts.

Pay360 uses these accounts to provide secure authentication when you sign in; we do not require any additional information from your account, only what is needed for authentication.

How Do I Set Up a Microsoft or Google Account?

If you do not have a Microsoft or Google Account, you can create one free of charge. Follow the instructions in your invitation.

Why Am I Unable to Register my Account?

If your registration fails, please check the on-screen error message and follow the instructions. Common reasons for registration to fail include using the invitation code after it has expired and using an invitation intended for another person. If you continue to experience problems registering your account, please contact your school.

If you have already registered your account and are encountering problems when attempting to sign in to SIMS Pay, check that you are signed in to the account you used to register. This is particularly important where a computer has multiple users. Navigate to the website of your sign in provider, sign out of your account and then sign in again with the account you registered to use with SIMS Pay. If you continue to experience problems when attempting to sign in to SIMS Pay, please contact your school.

Who Do I Contact for help?

If you have a question about your SIMS Pay Account, please contact the school on 02476 302004 or

Once you have signed into your SIMS Pay Account, further help is available by clicking the Help Centre link at the bottom of each page in SIMS Pay.

SIMS Parent

The school uses the SIMS Parent App to:

Communicate with parents and receive communication from parents

Ensure accurate data collection allowing parents to keep the information about their children up to date

Manage payments (via Pay360) for school uniform, school meals, trips, clubs, etc. (see information above)

Click the logo to login.

How do I use SIMS Parent?

SIMS Parent is available as an app on iOS and Android for use on mobile devices and also as a browser.  Parents can access the SIMS Parent website by clicking on the SIMS parent logo above or going to OR installing the SIMS Parent app from your app store.

How Do I Register?

You will receive an email invitation from the school directing you to complete the registration process for SIMS Parent.  

Registration for SIMS Parent is completed via the SIMS Parent SIMS ID website, where you can select the account provider you wish to register and sign in with (Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.).


Please note that your activation email is unique to you and should not be used by anyone else.  If you require an additional login then please contact the school.  Your activation email will expire after 14 days if it is not used, please contact your school if you require a replacement after this date.  

Ensuring Accurate Pupil and Parent Data

SIMS Parent provides a simple, convenient and secure solution for parents to electronically review and request changes to the data held by the school.

It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that the school has accurate information about their children.

It is the responsibility of the school to ensure that we provide the means for parents to easily provide updates to this information so that we can maintain accurate records.


SIMS Parent helps the school to comply with the data protection requirements by allowing parents to:

  • complete an online “data checking sheet” to update the contact information we hold for your child/children, removing the need for paper-based collection – we would encourage you to do this the first time you log in
  • review and request changes to information such as medical details and dietary needs electronically
  • update changes as required throughout the year

If you are unable to access SIMS Parent and need to update your data please come to the school office.  We can then print off a copy of your details for you to check and update. It is essential that the school has access to accurate information at all times.

Please be aware that due to data protection requirements you will not be able to see the details of emergency contacts assigned to your child via SIMS Parent.  You will need to add, delete or amend these in the usual way at the school office or via email.

You can view the SIMS Parent privacy notice by clicking here.

If you have any problems connecting to the App/Website please contact the School Office on 02476 302004 or