The Team
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Mrs Jenny Mclean, Mrs Hannah Kelly & Mr Kyle Timms
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) – Mrs Charlotte Lee
- Mrs Charlotte Lee – Safeguarding & Attendance Officer
- Mrs Janet Weaver – Safeguarding & Attendance Officer
Triple P (Positive Parenting Program):
To support parents in a 4-week intervention programme, to deal with a behavioural issue. Triple P takes the guesswork out of parenting. It is one of the few parenting programs in the world with evidence to show it works for most families.
CAF (Common Assessment Framework):
a supportive process identifying needs of the child and family. Provides an holistic approach covering all needs.
Any parent can approach the Safeguarding Officers for advice, guidance, support, etc. regarding any issues or concerns.
Health Plans:
To keep up to date medical health plans and allergy plans as referred to in the medical section below.
We view regular attendance as an essential part of a child’s academic and social success. The school seeks to ensure that all its pupils receive a full-time education which maximises opportunities for each learner to realise his/her true potential in an aspiring, caring environment. All staff work with pupils and their families to ensure each pupil attends school regularly and punctually.
We can help with advice and support if you are experiencing any barriers around attendance and punctuality.
Our schools target for attendance is 97%. This is for the whole school and for every pupil. We have a system of incentives and rewards which acknowledges the efforts of our learners for their good attendance: trophies with treats awarded on a weekly basis for whole class attendance; half-termly and termly rewards; certificates and other rewards for all children with 100% attendance.
Punctuality is important in the education of your child. If your child is persistently late then they are missing the start of lessons which may have a negative impact on their learning, confidence and self-esteem.
Children are invited into school at 08:45am. Registration takes place at 08:55am.
Please inform the school if your child is unavoidably late.
Every minute matters!
Did you know…?
5 minutes late every day
- Your child will lose 3 learning days every year
- Being late gives your child a very poor start to the day
15 minutes late every day
- Is the same as being away from school for 2 whole weeks a year
- Being late makes children feel different, flustered and embarrassed

30 minutes late every day
- Is the same as missing 19 learning days every year
- Court action is possible
- Being late disrupts your child, their class and their teacher
Please help your child to be in school on time.
Expectations of behaviour are clear to all pupils and staff. We use a staged approach to behaviour sanctions which can be found in our behaviour policy. A warning will usually be given before a stage where appropriate.
Role of the parent
It is the responsibility of parents and carers to make the school aware of any medical conditions that a child may have. The school will complete a Health Plan for all children with more serious conditions or conditions which require specific care while a child is in school.
Administering medicine in school
The term ‘medicine’ applies only to medication prescribed by a pupil’s doctor.
An Administration of Medication form must be completed by the parent/carer and these can be obtained from the main school office.
The parent or carer is to bring the medicine into school and complete the required form. Please ensure that all medicines are in date and clearly labelled with the child’s name. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure that the medicine is collected at the end of the day.
Medicine kept in school for long term conditions, such as Epi pens, inhalers, etc. should be checked regularly by the parent/carer to ensure they remain in date.
Role of the school’
Staff will make themselves aware of any children with medical conditions in their class. The information will be in the pupil information sheets which are held in the Admin Office, on the systems available in the classroom or in the child’s health plan where applicable.
Epi pens will be labelled with the child’s name, stored in the child’s classroom and accessible at all times.
Inhalers will be labelled with the child’s name and kept accessible at all times. All children who use inhalers should take them with them when they go on trips, swimming lessons and out of school activities e.g. sports. Teachers will ensure this happens. Children are expected to administer their own inhaler but will be supported where necessary.
Medicine for long term conditions will be kept in the child’s classroom. All medicines will be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
If children sustain an injury there is an allocated First Aid area where they will be seen by the identified first aider. An accident form will be completed and the pupil section taken home by the child. For serious injuries parents/carers and the Headteacher will be informed. An accident form will be completed by the school Business Manager who may want to talk to any witnesses.
It is the school’s policy to inform parents/carers via telephone if your child has sustained any injury to the head, face or neck, even if the injury is minor.
For an accident involving a nursery or reception class child, an Early Years Accident Form will be completed and signed by the parent.
For minor accidents the class teacher will be informed and the appropriate first aid given. If necessary the child will be sent to a senior leader’s office for observation.