PE and Sport Premium
This is a link to our latest Sport Premium Report
Total received in 2021-21 academic year: £11,305
How should the PE and sport premium be spent?
The government has recommended, Schools can choose how they use the funding, for example to:
- provide staff with professional development, mentoring, training and resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively
- support and involve the least active children by running sports clubs
- provide resources and training courses in PE and sport for teachers so they can run sport competitions or increase pupils’ participation in the School Games
- provide additional swimming provision targeted to pupils not able to meet the swimming requirements of the national curriculum
- introduce new sports, dance or other activities to encourage more pupils to take up sport and physical activities
We aspire to make P.E and school sport at Willenhall sustainable by creating an environment where all pupils have access to sport. We do this by providing a range of opportunities to take part in competitive and non-competitive sports. By providing these experiences it gives the pupils a taste for competitive sport that they can pursue outside of school.
- We have 3 full time members of PE staff, plus the PE leader who works across the federation. We are able to provide high quality PE and sport lessons throughout the school by upskilling members of PE staff to teach a broad range of curricular and extracurricular sports.
- The PE team has created a scheme of work for each year group which gives pupils the chance to access a wide variety of sports in their PE lessons.
- As well as PE lessons, children throughout the school are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular sporting activities. These include football, tennis, agility, netball, dance, athletics, tag rugby and gymnastics. These sessions are run by our PE department throughout the year giving a large number of pupils the opportunity to take part. During the academic year 2016-17 we engaged 97% of our pupils to take part in at least one club throughout the year. During the academic year 2017-18 we have engaged 98% of pupils to take part in at least one club.
- 100% of pupils in the school have accessed intra house (level 1) competitions through their PE and sport lessons in school
- As well as clubs for participation we also run clubs to target different groups of children for example we run 7 different sport specific sessions targeting our G&T pupils who will represent the school in competitions for these sports. We also run ‘get active’ clubs that target our less active and SEND pupils giving them an opportunity to take part in sports that suit their needs.
- By providing the PE team with CPD opportunities we can offer a variety of high quality lessons and clubs. The PE team have recently been upskilled in gymnastics, swimming and football.
- Due to us having a large PE team we have the chance to enter a number of competitions between schools in the local area. We have signed up for the School Games, Coventry Primary School Sports Association and the Coventry Netball League. By being a part of competitions run by these organisations 84% of our pupils have represented the school whilst they have been here.
- The PE lead has worked with staff to ensure the teaching is consistent across the school and all pupils’ needs are being met. The School Teaching and Learning Consultant has also worked with members of the PE team to improve teaching and learning methods being used in PE lessons.
- Members of the PE team have under taken their defensive driving courses to drive the school mini buses therefore we are able to facilitate the high number of competitions we enter.
- We also have links with local sports clubs where our pupils can experience sport in the local community. With our PE and sport premium money we paid for 7 pupils to join local sports clubs. We also take pupils to a local tennis club where they get to experience playing within a club environment.
- All Year 3 Pupils will take part in weekly swimming lessons which are provided by the PE department and the AT7 centre. In these lessons pupils will gain water confidence and work towards the 25m target using a number of strokes.
Measuring the Impact of the PE and sport premium
We measure the impact of the PE and sport premium in different ways.
We have created sport surveys that all pupils from years 1-6 have completed. The results are available to view or download in our Sports Clubs Survey report.
We also use PE as a behavioural tool and to help improve pupil’s confidence and self-esteem which has again been monitored by the schools surveys the pupils have undertaken.
We will continue to let the pupils have a voice and hold focus groups with different pupils in order to get an opinion from the pupils about school sport and PE.
The PE leader and SLT will work with and observe staff throughout the year and work on areas for development once targets have been met new targets will be set so staff are always striving to improve.
A programme designed to keep competitive sport at the heart of schools and provide more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.
PE and sport premium for primary schools guidance