The Reception Year is an exciting time for pupils and also one of the most important. Pupils begin their Reception year in the September after they turn 4 years of age.
We have two Reception classes. Each class is led by a Class Teacher and has a Teaching Assistant. Pupils are also taught once a week by specialist PE teacher.
Throughout the day pupils have a mixture of adult-led teaching and independent learning time. Our indoor Reception classroom area is divided into different areas of learning. These include:
- Writing area
- Maths area
- Reading area
- Small world area
- Creative area
- Fine motor area
- Role-play area
- Construction area
Pupils are encouraged to independently visit all of these areas and access the resources that are provided for them. Pupils also take part in adult-led teaching sessions. Across the week, carpet times will include:
- Literacy – Pupils learn to develop their communication and language skills and they learn skills for writing. By the end of Reception we aim for pupils to be independently writing simple sentences.
- Maths – Pupils learn skills in Number, Shape, Space and Measure. By the end of Reception we expect pupils to be counting reliably with numbers 1-20 (forwards and backwards), talk about and solve simple additions and subtractions, count on and back, solve problems such as halving, doubling and sharing. We also expect them to talk about and solve problems involving weight, capacity, pattern and shape.
- Read, Write Inc – This is the reading scheme that is used throughout the school. In these lessons pupils begin with learning letter sounds. By the end of Reception we expect pupils to be independently reading simple sentences and stories.
- ‘Other’ sessions – These lessons cover all of the other areas of learning; Understanding the World; Physical Development; Expressive Arts and Design.
The outdoors is divided into different areas of learning which include: deconstructed role play, large construction, outdoor kitchen, water wall, reading, writing and maths activities. Please ensure your child always has a warm coat in school and wears sensible shoes.
Letters to parents
Letters that have been circulated to parents are available for you to view and download
Times of a school day
See our home page for times of our school day.
Please allow your child to enter Reception independently – this helps pupils settle and encourages them to take responsibility for their own belongings.
On Tuesday mornings pupils are taught music and PE. They are permitted to come to school in a tracksuit with sensible footwear for these sessions.
Please click here for our expectations of punctuality with arrival & collection of your child.
See the Meet our staff page for details of your teachers and TAs.
Curriculum information
At our school we follow the ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)’. It sets standards that ensure pupils learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. At the end of the year pupil’s development is assessed against a set of early learning goals. We will complete a profile for your child to indicate whether pupils are meeting expected levels of development, or if they are exceeding expected levels, or not yet reaching expected levels (‘emerging’).
For more information about the EYFS you can visit the links below.
Fruit and Drink
We have a snack area that is available for pupils to access independently. All pupils have a free drink of milk and one piece of fruit every day. We encourage pupils to be independent when using the snack area by allowing them to pour their own milk and choose their own fruit. Water is also available throughout the school day.
Parents as Partners
You are your child’s first educator and we enjoy building partnerships with parents throughout the year. Parent’s meetings are planned throughout the school year but you are always welcome to arrange informal meetings with your child’s class teacher after school at any time.
Your child will be given homework once a week (either literacy or maths) and may also bring home a reading book. We ask that you support your child to complete any homework given and ensure that it is returned to school. We also encourage you to spend a few minutes every evening listening to your child read or sharing a book together.
Other Information
Please ensure all items of your child’s school uniform (especially jumpers, coats and hats) are named. This prevents them from getting lost when taken off. Please note that jewellery is not allowed to be worn in Reception.
If you have any queries please contact the school and staff will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Reception teachers are available to meet with parents at the end of the school day.