Pupils in Year 3 are split into two classes – 3A and 3Alpha. This is the first year of Key Stage 2. During the morning, learning is mainly focused on developing pupils as readers, writers and mathematicians. Our afternoon sessions support pupils to use their morning learning as well as developing their skills and knowledge in other curriculum areas: Geography, History, PSHE, RE, Philosophy and Computing. Over the week, pupils also are taught by specialist teachers for PE and swimming, Music and Spanish.

We believe that pupils learn best when their parents/carers and teachers work closely in partnership. Because of this, we are always happy to discuss your child’s wellbeing and progress – please come and chat to us at the end of the school day once all pupils have been dismissed.

Letters to parents

Letters that have been circulated to parents are available for you to view and download here.

Times of a school day

See our home page for times of our school day.

Morning routine

Pupils start their learning as soon as they enter the classroom.  The register is taken at 08:55. Anyone who is late will have to go through to the main school office and register there first.


Please click here for our expectations of punctuality with arrival & collection of your child.


See the Meet our staff page for details of your teachers and TAs.

PE (Physical Education)

On Friday, pupils take part in PE and Swimming lessons. They will need to wear their PE kit (a black of grey tracksuit) to school and bring their swimming kit with them.


To support their learning at home, we ask parents and carers to read with their child at least three times a week and record this in their reading diaries. Homework is set on a Friday and is due the following Thursday. Pupils will have a list of spellings and five short tasks, each based on their main subjects: English, maths, science and topic. If you would like to know how best to support your child with their homework, please just let us know.

Curriculum information


  • Autumn: At the beginning of the Year, pupils In Year 3 will study stories linked to our topic of the Stone Age. Pupils will spend a lot of time developing their descriptive skills through composing diaries and setting descriptions. After half term, we will explore fictional and non-fictional writing, linked to the topic of holidays.
  • Spring: After Christmas, pupils will develop their understanding of non-fiction and develop skills for writing a variety of different text types, for example, instructions. From February, pupils will begin to look at poetry and work towards creating their own poem.
  • Summer: During the Summer term, Pupils will have opportunities to bring together all they have learnt to create different forms of writing in preparation for Year 4. Pupils will be applying their writing skills to develop both fiction and non-fiction texts and eventually finishing with a creative writing story.


The following strands will be covered across the three terms:

  • Number and place value, addition / subtraction, measurement, fractions, multiplication / division, statistics, geometry and calculation

Times tables will also be practised on a daily basis alongside the above units.

For more information about the strands please click the National Curriculum link at the bottom of this page.


To see the topics covered in the other subjects by each year group (including Enrichment, Exhibition, Science, Geography, History, Art, DT, Computing, PSHE, RE, Languages & Music), go to Our Curriculum page.

The national curriculum

Key stage 1 and 2
(Gov.uk – Childcare and parenting)

National curriculum in England

Primary curriculum (key stages 1 and 2)