In Year 4 we help pupils to become more independent and engaged learners so that they can show their full potential across the curriculum. As a year group we are committed to high quality, collaborative work and showing off our individual talents when we can! In Year 4, we encourage each child to develop independence and resilience so they can be successful in all areas of the curriculum.

Letters to parents

Letters that have been circulated to parents are available for you to view and download here.

Times of a school day

See our home page for times of our school day.

Morning routine

Pupils will line up on the playground (next to year 5) in class lines. Teachers will collect them and take them to their classroom. They are collected from the same place at the end of the day.


Please click here for our expectations of punctuality with arrival & collection of your child.


See the Meet our staff page for details of your teachers and TAs.

PE (Physical Education)

PE is on Friday afternoons.


Parents will be informed about any details of any school trips throughout the year. A letter will be sent out in advance of the trip to your son / daughter informing you of all relevant details. Occasional walks around the local area are covered by a permission form that all parents and carers are asked to sign at the beginning of each academic year.


Homework for year 4 is set on Friday and is due the following Thursday. It will include a range of English, Maths and Topic based learning.

Reading, spelling and x table expectation is minimum of 3 x a week. Spellings can be accessed on Spellingframe and x tables on TTRS.

Curriculum information


  • Autumn: Pupils will explore texts which link to their Humanities topic of the Vikings so they can describe different characters and write from different perspectives. The pupils also begin to learn how to write for different text types including poems and diaries, which will be linked to their reading.
  • Spring: Pupils will explore non-fiction texts including information texts about endangered animals. The second half term brings one of the highlights of the year, where our Year 4 pupils become detectives to solve a classroom mystery. They then learn how to write their own detective stories based on the ‘Saxby Smart’ series by Simon Cheshire.
  • Summer: The Summer Term brings our focus to different types of non-fiction texts, such as biographies and newspapers, based around important people from the city. Finally, we get into the magical world of ‘Leon and the Place Between’ by Angela McAllister and learn how to create our own magical writing!


The following strands will be covered across the three terms by adapting the solid foundations of the ‘White Rose’ scheme and providing a maths mastery approach to teaching:

  • Number and place value, addition / subtraction, measurement, fractions, multiplication / division, statistics, geometry and calculation

Times tables will also be practised on a daily basis alongside the above units.

For more information about the strands please click the National Curriculum link at the bottom of this page.


To see the topics covered in the other subjects by each year group (including Enrichment, Exhibition, Science, Geography, History, Art, DT, Computing, PSHE, RE, Languages & Music), go to Our Curriculum page.

Other Information

Please ensure that your child brings their reading book and diary to school every day. If you hear your child read at home, please encourage your child to write a short note in their purple diary. This is so we can keep track of the books they’re reading and the regularity of reading outside of school. Teachers are available on the playground in the mornings and in the afternoon for a quick chat, please feel free to ask any questions or raise any concerns that you may have. Should you need a longer conversation, we are happy to have a discussion but please make an appointment at the office. If pupils would like to bring a water bottle to school, they may do so.

The national curriculum

Key stage 1 and 2
( – Childcare and parenting)

National curriculum in England

Primary curriculum (key stages 1 and 2)